Conscious Communication: bringing communication up from
"auto-pilot" and reactive, to thoughtful, responsive, and above all,
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Quick Communication Tip
Cranial Chaos Into a Choir
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Those conversations you have
with yourself when making a decision are actually between more voices
than you might imagine. We usually think there are only two voices (a
dialectic) offering two sides of a situation. If only it were that
simple, we’d be able to make decisions instantly, with no questions or
remorse (like a computer – digital; two voices: 0 and 1).
Do you remember the old Disney cartoons with a tiny Donald or Pluto on
each shoulder; a devil and an angel? This represented the simplistic
Good vs. Evil influences in our decision-making. Once again, if only it
were a simple binary input, those discussions in our heads would be so
much shorter. What’s more, once we decided, we wouldn’t question or
ruminate afterward.

You are far more complex, and there are more than two voices in the
discussion; creating depth and dimensionality. We actually have at least
five voices representing five perspectives, each with its own agenda and
worldview. And each of us is a composite of those perspectives.
Just trying to keep track of all those voices, perspectives, and the
chaos they bring up increases our stress levels, which impedes clear
thinking. When you identify those five voices and their agendas, it puts
you back in control of your decision-making process.
The Multiple Perspective Perspective
One of the reasons people have a difficult time or resist any kind of
typing or modeling, is a general misconception that it puts you in a box
or says you are one type of person. Not necessarily.
An easy way of looking at the system I use (the Integral Enneagram) is
to imagine nine people sitting around a circle at the beach. Depending
on your position, you might see mostly ocean, or you might see mostly
sand. Both perspectives are true. Both taken as mutually exclusive would
cause an argument. The Integral Enneagram is a system that allows us to
model these different perspectives, as multiple truths at the same time,
and understand where they’re coming from.
You know that your perspective shifts radically under stress or when
you’re confident, and once again this model illustrates these dynamics
as well. These shifted perspectives are often called your Integration or
Disintegration Points, and would be just like moving to a different part
of that circle on the beach. Now you see things differently

Just the Five of You.
We’ve talked about your primary typology, or the main way you take in
and sort input, and your Integration and Disintegration Points. Now we
introduce your adjacent Wing Typologies. They’re sitting next to you on
the circle, and if we were playing cards, could probably see your hand.
They always share their perspective and put their two cents in
constantly. Life circumstances usually influence how much each of them
speaks up, and how “evolved” their worldviews will be.
One thing you can count on is that adjacent wings commonly have very
different character traits, and this accounts for some of the sense of
opposition we hear as that dialectic. They’re not exact opposites, and
this is where the depth and dimensionality come in, along with the
confusion. The complexity of an individual is in the combination of all
their components.
Someone who is competitive, driven, and hard working may recognize four
other voices conflicting or adding to the internal discussion: “I don’t
want to do this, How can I help? The colors have to be more balanced,
and I just want my team to win.”
Someone who brainstorms, plans, and thinks a million miles an hour in a
thousand directions may recognize their four other voices: “Safety
first, My way or the highway, Why can’t anyone do it right, I love
finding things out.”
You may recognize a few of those voices as your own. There are a lot of
overlaps. Knowing who is saying what, and what that part’s agenda is,
helps you to make decisions on a far richer level. Imagine knowing that
the voice saying not to go for that dream job is only your Stress
Point’s opinion, and that your true self is ready and yearning for it.
Knowing about this chorus also helps us to hear these voices in each
other thanks to those overlaps, and understand each other without the
judgment that separates us.
Pulling Together.
Taking this further, these voices pulling together in harmony, rather
than different directions, toward your chosen goals is immensely
powerful and helpful for you. Knowing who is contributing what to the
discussion in your head puts you in charge of your own resources, and
takes a bit of applied training to master.
Appreciating the nuances of these types and the amazing applications
that are yours for the taking was the basis for Optimized Results
creating different coaching and communication programs for each
typology. Each type or worldview needs their own approach to achieving
their own best results, and by listening carefully to people, you can
hear between the lines, and get an idea of what makes them tick. This
gives you a competitive edge on developing rapport and relationship,
which is of course what drives your business.
Whether you want to improve your effectiveness in business, in your home
life, in relationships, etc. the most important common element is you.
Knowing and being in command of your resources gives you the ability to
shift from reactive to proactive in every facet of your life.
- Ian J. Blei
Special Offer -
Back to
Whether you're going back to school, or your kids are, September means a
shift in lifestyle. Learning is a constant process; something we need to
always be doing, or we lose our independence and autonomy. The more we
know about how we tick (and everyone around us) the more competent and
confident we are.
To make this easier for everyone, I'm offering 3 Dynamic Discovery
Sessions to three lucky people (who haven't already gotten them) just
for including the secret word in the subject line of your email:
Discover your resources and challenges, and exactly how you work, so you
can be every bit as incredible as you were meant to be.
Click to Schedule.
Each free session is normally a $250.00 value, and will be worth much
more to you in life-changing ways. Good luck!
Quick Communication Tip
Multiple Personality Order
Getting past the jokes around multiple personality disorder, there are
actually advantages to having multiple personalities behaving in an
orderly fashion. First, within our own mind, there is the obvious
advantage to being able to look at any situation from a variety of
perspectives. We minimize the number of blindspots, when we add more
perspectives. Then when we add the complexities of working with others,
being able to hold multiple perspectives simultaneously gives us
superior abilities in communication and problem-solving.
Getting caught up in “I’m right!” “No, I’m right!” arguments is
dysfunctional and completely non-productive. Recognizing that we might
just share the other person’s perspective when we are in a different
state of mind opens the door of possibility that both may be right, and
a better solution serving both perspectives may be possible. The more we
can find solutions that serve more people, the better and
more sustainable those solutions will be.
Want to learn more about how your communication
can hold you back or catapult you forward? Come visit the
web site, or better yet,
contact me and see how we can design a program
to fit your needs and desired outcomes.
Resource Links:
Conscious Communication
- the podcast series
KG Stiles: "Conversations that Enlighten and Heal"
Ian Blei on Kind Ambition and the
2nd Edition
Got Blog?
visit the Blog.
Character Driven
Ever want to create
characters that were so believable, that people forgot they were
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Chronicle |
Welcome to the Conscious Communication Chronicle, sharing
how Conscious
Communication results in success, and how you can
achieve yours. Enjoy!

The Optimizer
Ian Blei,
Director of the
Institute for Integral Enneagram
President of
Optimized Results
Kind Ambition
Kind Ambition:
Practical Steps
to Achieve Success
Without Losing Your Soul
Kind Ambition
Fan Page
now on
Kind Ambition
about you having the tools to slide over to the driver’s seat of your
own life. Circumstances will always be changing, seemingly
thwarting our plans, but we don’t have to be thrown around by them. You
can be in charge of your choices and actions more than you might imagine
- yet.
Kind Ambition
is written for you, as
a practical guide you can use right now. It is a collection of
insights and actions designed to help you move forward and get more out
of your life at home and at work. The chapters hold to a formula
of first giving you a new way to look at things, then offering you
tangible Action Steps to try them out, and finally some things to notice
when you do.
Kind words for “Kind Ambition”
"If you are interested in success, whether it is in
running a large organization, a small business, or leading a satisfying
life, you will find a right blend of rules, wisdom and wit in a
digestible fashion that will serve to accomplish your objectives. The
notion that kindness can be blended with ambition and made to work and
serve the "bottom line" is enlightening, uplifting and satisfying."
-Steven Kiefel – CEO, Red Pill Media
“An easy to use guide for anyone who wants to achieve
real growth and success. His sensible and practical tactics solve
age-old challenges with real, how-to solutions. Best of all, Ian lives
his work!”
-Romanus Wolter - Author: Kick Start Your
Dream Business
Success Coach Columnist: Entrepreneur Magazine
Radio Host: Syndicated Kick Start Guy Segment
" We all face obstacles in our lives and careers. Some of
these come from within, subverting our conscious intentions. The good
news is: they can be overcome. The techniques and processes found
in this book will help you on your way."
-Margaret Heffernan – Author: The Naked Truth: A Working Woman's
Manifesto on Business and What Really Matters
Syndicated Columnist: Fast
Company Magazine
scientifically-based, spiritually-awake, (and smart and funny) guide to
making the most of your life. Ian Blei provides the know-how, the
inspiration, the structure and all the tools you need in this
straightforward and inspirational book.”
-Lisa Betts-LaCroix, Past President of SF Coaches
of Unapix film, “Dance Me Outside”
" Ian Blei shares his deep insights in simple and
straightforward ways. His work continues to inspire me whenever I
feel I'm getting stuck in some area of my life."
-Roy King, III
Director Pacific